solid State paramagnet polarized
linear Electrets
diamagnetic ferro-magnetism
automatic rechargeable subsystem
central Mechatronics core split dielectric
battery power electromagnet
linear transduction
solenoid actuator subject not limiting to additional system or structure potentiometric range design inventor Jermaine Morton
full body electrets MECHATRONICS TRANSDUCTOR OSCILLATING body armor EFFECT ATMOSPHERIC AIR ACOUSTOPHORESIS DISPLACEMENT OF GRAVITATION ENABLES LEVITATION FALL SPEED REDUCTION INTO THE AIR flight suit DESIGN FOR ATMOSPHERIC CHEMICAL GAS ELECTROLYSIS DISPLACEMENT OF NITROGEN AND OXYGEN SUSPENDED BY ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTIVE BODY ARMOR ELEMENTS COMPRISED ACTIVE LINEAR PARALLEL ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE repelling the atmosphere matter driven by ELECTROPHORESIS functionality of the body armor machine system that annihilates the forces of graphatization strengths which is calculated at 4.8 Newtons of force. what is gravity? An active longitudinal nanoparticle procession forces of atmospheric hemispheric stratospheric space flow of matter cause active frictional radiation pressures gravitatization
The body armor is an electrical circuit that is arranged stacked parallel on top of an additional wires that are common positive charged current carrying metallic wire that repels one another by emissions of common positive change ion's. The wires are designed to oscillate 40,000 times within one second at the speeds of sound alongside the human Body corresponding alongside joints shape and segments of the user's body, The design is multi-functional likenesses as an solenoid type electrical circuit particularly designed as in wearable ELECTRIC circuit type which STEPS-UP voltage current carrying electrical energy winding as an voltage transformer the mechatronics device design to levitate particles in mid-air may modulated voltage electromotive Force use two ultrasonic frequencies, such as 40 kHz and 120 kHz.
The sound waves must be high enough so that an object doesn't fall out of the levitation zone during a single wave cycle.
Low frequencies:
Acoustic levitation can occur at low frequencies, such as 40 Hz to 80 Hz.
Standing waves:
Acoustic levitation can use standing waves to levitate a particle
A standing wave is created by reflecting a sound wave back into itself.
The standing wave traps small objects in low amplitude areas.
results from the transfer of momentum from an ultrasonic wave in an attenuating medium, where the pressure and particle velocity become out of phase.
Acoustic force, also known as acoustic radiation force (ARF), is a force exerted on an object by sound waves. It occurs when sound waves interact with an obstacle or small particle.
Atmospheric matter is primarily composed of a mixture of gases, with the most abundant being nitrogen (around 78%), oxygen (around 21%), and argon (around 0.9%), with trace amounts of other gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor also present; essentially, it's mostly made up of air
The air around you has weight, and it presses against everything it touches. That pressure is called atmospheric pressure, or air pressure. It is the force exerted on a surface by the air above it as gravity pulls it to Earth
the force of gravity acting on an object at 4.8 NEWTON'S FORCE
Annihilation gravitatization
the body armor design mechatronic OSCILLATOR design as an wearable full body armor design to displace particles away from its surfaces between the medium rise against the weight of gravity effected by 4.8 newtons longitudinal waves gravitize by collisions against object surfaces effected by omnidirectional frictional pressures wave of particles. The oscillating body armor emits
longitudinal waves intercept the effects of gravity emitting a longitudinal wave within an atmospheric environment of
Gas decay nanoparticle liquid filled enclosures in space effected by centrifugal reaction collisions ventrifugal forces a particle to exert its energies while reducing its mass and the effects of the 4.8newtons of forces gravitation
Acoustic radiation forces is caused by a change in the energy density of the sound wave.
This change can be due to absorption, scattering, or reflection from surfaces or interfaces.
ARF can be static or transient, and can be produced by standing acoustic waves.
Let's learn the potentialities of ELECTRETS
Can electrics repel water
Yes, electrets can repel water due to their electrostatic charge, which creates a force that pushes away polar water molecules, essentially making them water-resistant; this property is often utilized in applications like liquid-repellent fabrics and filtration systems.
Key points about electrets and water repulsion:
Electrostatic field:
Electrets hold a persistent electric charge on their surface, generating an electrostatic field that can interact with the polar water molecules.
Polar water molecules:
Water molecules have a positive and negative end, allowing them to be attracted or repelled by charged surfaces.
Repulsion effect:
When a water droplet approaches an electret with a like charge, the electrostatic repulsion pushes the droplet away.
Applications of electret water repellency:
Waterproof clothing:
Treating fabrics with electret coatings can make them resistant to water penetration.
Electret filters can trap small particles from liquids and air due to electrostatic attraction, even with water droplets.
Medical drapes:
Electret materials can be used in medical drapes to prevent liquid absorption.