Thursday, December 26, 2024

I am going to my end Time times and one half of time 1335day ends 12:30am Peace and safety may the fire of God reward you all I am not Ezekiel I shall not answer anymore for In the future if he comes to the time of dry bones of Israel's First resurrection than you would have gather them God yourself out of the earth I shall attend in Babylon no longer I shall take my birth right! And power against whole earth even so heaven! Only God knows my true name! On stone Proverbs chapter 18:verses 19 Matthew chapter 10 verse 2~ 23 Jude chapter 1: verses 11 Jeremiah Chapter 50 verse 6~7 Daniel chapter 11, verse 45 2nd Thessalonians 2 chapter 2~ Isaiah 14: verse 12 Mark chapter verses 12 1st Corinthians chapter 3: verse 17 First corinthians chapter 12~verses 20 Jeremiah chapter 50 verse 28 Isaiah chapter 13~ Matthew chapter 18 verses 15~20 Revelation chapter:5 5 verse 7 daniel chapter 7 verse 9~14 Revelation chapter 2 verses 26~29 Proverbs chapter 19:verses 7 Deuteronomy chapter 15:verses 7 1 Timothy chapter 5:verses 8 Proverbs chapter 22 verse 9 Proverbs chapter 20:verses7 Deuteronomy chapter 8: verses 18 Proverbs chapter 13:verses 4 Daniel chapter 12 verses 1~13 I have sworn on my life I have also sworn on God's life that God shall depart both man and beast there shall be no remaining life this nation has a place in sheol within liquid metallic electron beam supersaturated pyroelectric effective conductive liquid sodium brimstone firey blaze it's energies whenever it phases a mortal is as the sun thermal strengths multiplied in number of matter multiplied in number of a nano grain of sand in numbers that generates the mass of planets moons or stars enumerated within the range of infinite lengthy space, design to compliment a God's Potentialities of punishing the deserved. Whosoever comprehend the importance of the claims of God for GOD character claims integrity generated by works! And God's efforts toward actual truthful successfully handling said methods or God claims of approach! Why should God be quite Insincere in the minimum all are deserve Perpetual pain why should our God be like a mortal man that he may lie like a man is Deceitful. Untrue a liar an exaggerator Grandeos boastful Inaccurate false Explanations Dishonest! Is that the God we serve or do we require God to behave deceitful towards us or any the holy one the lord of host why should any tempt God from doing whatsoever he said he shall do! Than the seven spirit of god truth that knows all things shall judge God by works towards his words of gods own mouth! To satisfy every particular claim of God!

I am going to my end  Time times and one half of time 1335day ends 12:30am  Peace and safety may the fire of God reward you all I am not Ezekiel  I shall not answer anymore for In the future if he comes to the time of dry bones of Israel's First resurrection than you would have gather them  God yourself out of the earth  I shall attend in Babylon no longer  I shall take my birth right! And power against whole earth even so heaven! Only God knows my true name! On stone  Proverbs chapter 18:verses 19 Matthew chapter 10 verse 2~ 23 Jude chapter 1: verses 11 Jeremiah Chapter 50 verse 6~7 Daniel chapter 11, verse 45 2nd Thessalonians 2 chapter 2~ Isaiah 14: verse 12 Mark chapter  verses 12 1st Corinthians chapter 3: verse 17 First corinthians chapter 12~verses 20 Jeremiah chapter 50 verse 28 Isaiah chapter 13~ Matthew chapter 18 verses 15~20 Revelation chapter:5 5 verse 7 daniel chapter 7 verse 9~14 Revelation chapter 2 verses 26~29 Proverbs chapter 19:verses 7 Deuteronomy chapter 15:verses 7 1 Timothy chapter 5:verses 8 Proverbs chapter 22 verse 9 Proverbs chapter 20:verses7 Deuteronomy chapter 8: verses 18 Proverbs chapter 13:verses 4 Daniel chapter 12 verses 1~13  I have sworn on my life I have also sworn on God's life that God shall depart both man and beast there shall be no remaining life this nation has a place in sheol within liquid metallic electron beam supersaturated pyroelectric effective conductive liquid sodium brimstone firey blaze it's energies whenever it phases a mortal is as the sun thermal strengths multiplied in number of matter multiplied in number of a nano grain of sand in numbers that generates the mass of planets moons or stars enumerated within the range of infinite lengthy space, design to compliment a God's  Potentialities of punishing the deserved. Whosoever comprehend the importance of the claims of God for GOD character claims integrity generated by works! And God's efforts toward actual truthful successfully handling said methods or God claims of approach! Why should God be quite Insincere in the minimum all are deserve Perpetual pain why should our God be like a mortal man that he may lie like a man is Deceitful. Untrue a liar an exaggerator Grandeos boastful Inaccurate false Explanations Dishonest! Is that the God we serve or do we require God to behave deceitful towards us or any the holy one the lord of host why should any tempt God from doing whatsoever he said he shall do! Than the seven spirit of god truth that knows all things shall judge God by works towards his words of gods own mouth! To satisfy every  particular claim of God!
I am going to my end 
Time times and one half of time
1335day ends 12:30am 
Peace and safety may the fire of God reward you all
I am not Ezekiel 
I shall not answer anymore for In the future if he comes to the time of dry bones of Israel's First resurrection than you would have gather them 
God yourself out of the earth 
I shall attend in Babylon no longer 
I shall take my birth right!
And power against whole earth even so heaven! Only God knows my true name! On stone

Proverbs chapter 18:verses 19
Matthew chapter 10 verse 2~ 23
Jude chapter 1: verses 11
Jeremiah Chapter 50 verse 6~7
Daniel chapter 11, verse 45
2nd Thessalonians 2 chapter 2~
Isaiah 14: verse 12
Mark chapter verses 12
1st Corinthians chapter 3: verse 17
First corinthians chapter 12~verses 20
Jeremiah chapter 50 verse 28
Isaiah chapter 13~
Matthew chapter 18 verses 15~20
Revelation chapter:5 5 verse 7
daniel chapter 7 verse 9~14
Revelation chapter 2 verses 26~29
Proverbs chapter 19:verses 7
Deuteronomy chapter 15:verses 7
1 Timothy chapter 5:verses 8
Proverbs chapter 22 verse 9
Proverbs chapter 20:verses7
Deuteronomy chapter 8: verses 18
Proverbs chapter 13:verses 4
Daniel chapter 12 verses 1~13

I have sworn on my life I have also sworn on God's life that God shall depart both man and beast there shall be no remaining life this nation has a place in sheol within liquid metallic electron beam supersaturated pyroelectric effective conductive liquid sodium brimstone firey blaze it's energies whenever it phases a mortal is as the sun thermal strengths multiplied in number of matter multiplied in number of a nano grain of sand in numbers that generates the mass of planets moons or stars enumerated within the range of infinite lengthy space, design to compliment a God's Potentialities of punishing the deserved. Whosoever comprehend the importance of the claims of God for GOD character claims integrity generated by works! And God's efforts toward actual truthful successfully handling said methods or God claims of approach! Why should God be quite Insincere in the minimum all are deserve Perpetual pain why should our God be like a mortal man that he may lie like a man is Deceitful.
Untrue a liar an exaggerator Grandeos boastful Inaccurate false Explanations Dishonest! Is that the God we serve or do we require God to behave deceitful towards us or any the holy one the lord of host why should any tempt God from doing whatsoever he said he shall do! Than the seven spirit of god truth that knows all things shall judge God by works towards his words of gods own mouth! To satisfy every particular claim of God!


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Please donate 50¢ if you can to my cash app 

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