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Friday, March 7, 2025
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Allegedly Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of possession an electronic transit half fair payment identification card is a personal property card arranged for particularly (plaintiff Jermaine Morton) by JTA public transit service. Jermaine Morton plaintiff PURCHASED electronic transit half fair payment identification card is a personal property card from the defendant JTA public transit service. Abstract Jermaine Morton plaintiff idea of the particular situation, or problem) let me make the problem clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas. property is defined as: anything (items or attributes/tangible or intangible) that can be owned by a person or entity. Property is the most complete right to something; the owner can possess, use, transfer or dispose of it. Allegedly Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of possession a paid purchased property by Jermaine Morton plaintiff for an electronic transit half fair payment card, The extorted material design with functions as An electronics transit half fair payment card. What! An electronics transit half fair payment card device that can be used to pay for public transit. The card has functional likenesses as an contactless smart card! Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession. Therefore, are more than one type of extortion let me explain, Types of Extortion. The various types of extortion include protection schemes, blackmail, and ransomware. All three are intimidation tactics used to scare a person into giving up valuables Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card identification possession charge of extortion mean? Under California Penal Code Section 518 PC, extortion (commonly referred to as "blackmail") is a criminal offense that involves the use of force or threats to compel another person into providing money or property, or using force or threats to compel a public official to perform or neglect an official act or duty. Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of possessing a personalized electronic Transit half fair payment identification card. Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession, what maybe the federal penalty for extortion? Under federal law, blackmail is addressed under 18 U.S.C. § 873. This statute provides that anyone who, under a threat of informing or as a consideration for not informing, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall be fined or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card identification possession. IPC Section 383 most common extortion Robbery is the simplest and most common form of extortion, although making unfounded threats in order to obtain an unfair business advantage is also a form of extortion. Loot and Extortion. Statues at Trago Mills, poking fun at the Inland Revenue. Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession. under 18 U.S.C. § 873. evidence of extortion? A plaintiff must prove that Allegedly JTA customer service committed extortion made a threat to another person to secure their property or monetary gain. There must be more than a threat present to face a criminal charge. The intent is the key to proving extortion. Additionally, Allegedly Jermaine Morton plaintiff who faced a threat will have to comply with the requests. Jermaine Morton believes allegedly JTA worker customer service is committing a crime allegedly extort Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of an electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession If someone is trying to extort me, says Jermaine Morton I should stop all contact with them, document everything, and report it to law enforcement. Jermaine Morton believes he can also ask a trusted adult for help. Allegedly JTA customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment identification card possession. Jermaine Morton believes he has the right to press charges against extortion? Jermaine Morton believes The best way to file extortion charges against someone is to report your case to local law enforcement, Jermaine Morton believed most often the police department in his area. Jermaine Morton believes Bringing any proof of the extortion, such as documents, videos, text messages, etc, Jermaine Morton believes material facts will help as he files a police report. Allegedly JSO conspired committed extortion conspiracy of extortion. Jermaine wouldn't believe Every conspiracy, not excluding conspiracy to commit extortion cases, Jermaine Morton believes is when two or more people agree to a course of action that involves working together to break the law. Jermaine Morton believes It may be that they had the intention to get cash in exchange for threats of physical violence. Allegedly JSO committed Hobbs Act extortion? 6.18.1951-2 Hobbs Act - Extortion by Force, Violence, or Fear. Extortion is the obtaining of another person's property with. (his)(her) consent when this consent is induced or brought about through the. use of actual or threatened force, violence or fear. Jermaine Morton believes that a extortion crime has been committed against him allegedly JSO female police officer threatened Jermaine Morton a punishment of trespassing if he did not agree to particularly JTA customer service worker terms Jermaine Morton believes allegedly JSO police officer Aiding and abetting is a legal term that refers to helping someone commit a crime. It can include encouraging or participating in the crime of the aforementioned. Jermaine Morton believes that Elements of aiding and abetting It's the material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer acknowledges: The defendant must know that the crime is being committed Jermaine Morton believe that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer Intent; to help the crime happen Jermaine Morton believe that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer Action: the JSO POLICE OFFICER MUST TAKE some action to help the crime happen: THE ACTION INTIMIDATING THREATS TO PUNISH BY CRIMINAL TRUSTPASSING Jermaine Morton believes Termination of solutions" “Trespass in Structure or Conveyance;” Prevent public transit access though Trespass in Structure or Conveyance Jermaine Morton as to preclude Jermaine Morton from access as to Trespass in Structure or Conveyance Jermaine Morton as to prohibit Jermaine Morton public transit access as to forbid Jermaine Morton public transit access as to disallow Jermaine Morton public transit access though Trespass in Structure or Conveyance, “Trespass on Property Other Than Structure or Conveyance.” From land or rapid transit traveling access end point of walking as an solution that may reduce the chances of Prolonged muscle soreness, stiffness, or heaviness. Persistent tiredness or fatigue. meaning of an event, action, or process) come to an end cease to happen to cease activity or motion. no further by TRUSTPASSING Jermaine Morton plaintiff believes Intimidated Termination of human health rapid long range vehicle traveling solutions" by verbal promise Intimidation verbal abuse, making it clear that the officer has the power to actual physical assault by “Trespassing Jermaine Morton as to Prevent access to vehicle rapid traveling by order of detention that constitutes a limited Conveyance band where JTA can no more GRANT an act in such a way as to help, advise, furnish information to, or aid a person with the intent to assist such person as an Jermaine Morton any more under no circumstances or given conditions. that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer deserves Penalties The person who aids and abets is usually criminally liable to the same extent as the person who commits the crime Jermaine Morton believe that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer Related terms Some states use other words in addition to "abet", such as "encourage", "advise", "counsel", or "induce". Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer aiding means providing support or assistance to someone Accessory is someone who in fact assists "commission of a crime committed primarily by someone else Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer aiding and abetting a crime mean? A defendant aids and abets in a crime when he or she has knowledge of the principal perpetrator's unlawful purpose and he or she specifically intends to, and does in fact, aid, facilitate, promote encourage, or instigate the perpetrator's commission of that crime. Jermaine Morton believe that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer have knowledge Knowing the difference between robbery and extortion and that requires Robbery requires a taking accomplished by force or threat of imminent force. Extortion requires a taking by threat of future harm that is not necessarily force, and larceny generally requires a taking by stealth or a false representation of fact. Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer threatening intimidated Jermaine Morton by fine penalty of trespassing Intimidation may manifest into coercion or threat with physical contacts, glowering countenance or in its own manner as emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, making someone feel lower than you, purposeful embarrassment and/or actual physical assault Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge assault intimidation crime of threatening" means using words or actions to deliberately frighten someone, Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge That he or she have creating a reasonable fear of imminent physical harm, intimidation or threatening to trespass Jermaine Morton not enabling him to utilize JTA public transportation which could constitute an assault depending on the severity and context of the behavior; Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge In Florida, the punishment for trespassing depends on whether it's a misdemeanor or felony, and can include jail time, fines, probation, and a criminal record. Misdemeanor trespass First degree misdemeanor Up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine for entering or remaining on property without permission Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge that the threat of trespassing Jermaine Morton from utilizing JTA public transportation essentially, a verbal threats and aggressive behavior aimed at causing fear and potential physical violence as the force you mean to walk long miles to destinations whenever you mean Morton travels in fear of an arrest or imprisonment or fine or both Jermaine Morton believes but it is a crime of abuse Cruel or Violet treatment Key points about this phrase: Verbal threats: This includes saying things that imply potential physical harm, like "I'm going to hurt you" or "If you don't do this, you'll regret it." Non-verbal cues: Aggressive body language, menacing gestures, or staring can also contribute to intimidation. JTA agent customer service allegedly committed Extortion or allegedly committed robbery by JTA agent customer service JSO allegedly committed aiding & abiding allegedly committed extortion allegedly committed robbery allegedly committed bank fraud Legal implications: Depending on the jurisdiction, assault intimidation threatening can be a criminal offense, particularly if the threats are credible and cause significant fear in the victim. Florida: Florida does not authorize licensees to confiscate false IDs. Licensees who recognize false IDs should refuse the sale and contact local law enforcement. Confiscation of an identity card" means the act of taking away someone's identification document, typically by an authority figure, usually due to reasons like a cardholder's employment the card being expired, a cardholder's employment fraudulently used, a cardholder's employment damaged, a cardholder's employment presented by someone not entitled to use it; this could happen in situations like security checks at a facility, during a legal investigation, or when someone's employment is terminated and their access needs to be revoked. Key points about identity card confiscation: Valid reasons: a cardholder's employment Expired card, a cardholder's employment misuse, a cardholder's employment damage, a cardholder's employment presented by someone not authorized, a cardholder's employment suspected forgery, a cardholder's employment termination of employment having no affiliation. Who can confiscate: a cardholder's employment Usually security personnel, a cardholder's employment designated officials, a cardholder's employment law enforcement depending on the situation. Procedure: When confiscating an ID, the person taking it should typically provide a receipt or explanation to the cardholder. a cardholder's employment or affiliation is terminated, cardholder's employment ID card is expired, fraudulently used or mutilated, or presented by a person not entitled to . How they work RFID and NFC These cards use radio-frequency identification (RFID) or near-field communication (NFC) to communicate with a card reader. A contactless smart card is a contactless credential whose dimensions are credit card size. Its embedded integrated circuits can store (and sometimes process) data and communicate with a terminal via NFC. Commonplace uses include transit tickets, bank cards and passports. There are two broad categories of contactless smart cards. Memory cards contain non-volatile memory storage components, and perhaps some specific security logic. Contactless smart cards contain read-only RFID called CSN (Card Serial Number) or UID, and a re-writeable smart card microchip that can be transcribed via radio waves. A contactless smart card is characterized as follows: Dimensions are normally credit card size. The ID-1 of ISO/IEC 7810 standard defines them as 85.60 × 53.98 × 0.76 mm (3.370 × 2.125 × 0.030 in).[1] Contains a security system with tamper-resistant properties (e.g. a secure cryptoprocessor, secure file system, human-readable features) and is capable of providing security services (e.g. confidentiality of information in the memory). Assets managed by way of a central administration systems, or applications, which receive or exchange information with the card, such as card hotlisting and updates for application data. Card data is transferred via radio waves to the central administration system through card read-write devices, such as point of sale devices, doorway access control readers, ticket readers, ATMs, USB-connected desktop readers, etc. Benefits Contactless smart cards can be used for identification, authentication, and data storage.[2] They also provide a means of effecting business transactions in a flexible, secure, standard way with minimal human intervention. Open-loop payment This technology allows riders to use their everyday bank-issued cards to pay for travel. Express Mode This feature allows users to quickly pay for rides with a tap, without having to unlock their device. Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card identification possession Theft is the act of stealing. An instance of stealing can also be called a theft. A person who commits theft is called a thief. The word especially refers to a person who steals in secret and without using force or violence. In general, intentionally taking something that doesn't belong to you is theft. the personal property of another or fraudulently appropriating property. The definition includes defrauding another or causing others to falsely report wealth in order to obtain credit, money, property, labor, or the service of another person's Allegedly JTA customer service committed Allegedly extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card identification property possession JTA Allegedly Misrepresentation claims JTA RIGHT TO CONFISCATE Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card identification property possession purchased card JTA customer service worker claims right to confiscate Jermaine Morton personal identification Transit payment card under false or misleading statement made with the intent to deceive. The JTA SERVICE AGENT ALLEGEDLY CLAIMS IT IS JTA RIGHT TO CONFISCATE ANY PURCHASED EXPIRED CARD WITHOUT ANY APPROVAL JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES It can be a material omission or a false statement. JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES JTA CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT ALLEGEDLY MISREPRESENTATION is a key element of fraud and can be used in other causes of action. JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES JTA CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED THESE Types of misrepresentation Fraudulent misrepresentation: The deliberate misrepresentation of a fact to deprive someone of something valuable JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES JTA CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED A Negligent misrepresentation: A false statement made without reasonable grounds to believe it to be true JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES JTA CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED A Innocent misrepresentation: A false statement made without the intent to lie, but where the statement was relied upon to the detriment of the other party
Allegedly Jermaine
Morton plaintiff rights of possession an electronic
transit half fair payment identification card is a personal property card arranged for particularly (plaintiff Jermaine
Morton) by JTA public transit service.
Jermaine Morton plaintiff PURCHASED electronic transit half
fair payment identification card is a personal property card from the defendant JTA public transit service.
Abstract Jermaine
Morton plaintiff idea of the particular situation, or problem) let me make the
problem clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant
facts or ideas.
property is defined as: anything
(items or attributes/tangible or intangible) that can be owned by a person or
Property is the most complete right to
something; the owner can possess, use, transfer or dispose of it. Allegedly Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of
possession a paid purchased property by Jermaine Morton plaintiff for an electronic
transit half fair payment card,
The extorted material design with functions as An electronics transit half fair payment
is an electronics transit half fair payment card
device that can be
used to pay for public transit. The card have functional likenesses as an contactless
smart card!
Allegedly JTA African American female customer
service committed extortion
against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of
electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession.
Therefore are more than one type of extortion let me
Types of Extortion. The various types of extortion include protection schemes, blackmail, and ransomware. All three are intimidation tactics used to scare a person into giving up valuables Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card identification possession charge of extortion mean? Under California Penal Code Section 518 PC, extortion (commonly referred to as "blackmail") is a criminal offense that involves the use of force or threats to compel another person into providing money or property, or using force or threats to compel a public official to perform or neglect an official act or duty. Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of possessing a personalized electronic Transit half fair payment identification card.
Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed
against Jermaine
Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit half fair payment
identification card possession,
what maybe the federal penalty for extortion?
Under federal law, blackmail is addressed under 18 U.S.C. § 873. This statute provides
that anyone who, under a threat of informing or as a consideration for not
informing, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall
be fined or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both Allegedly JTA African American female customer
service committed extortion against
Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card
identification possession.
IPC Section 383 most common extortion
Robbery is the simplest and most common form of extortion,
although making unfounded
threats in order to obtain an unfair business advantage is also a form of
extortion. Loot and Extortion. Statues at Trago
Mills, poking fun at the Inland Revenue. Allegedly JTA African American female
customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff
rights of electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession.
under 18 U.S.C. §
873. evidence of extortion?
A plaintiff must prove that Allegedly JTA customer service committed extortion made a threat to another person to secure their property or monetary gain. There must be more than
a threat present to face a criminal
charge. The intent is the key to
proving extortion. Additionally, Allegedly Jermaine Morton plaintiff who
faced a threat will have to comply with
the requests.
Jermaine Morton believes allegedly JTA worker customer service is
committing a crime allegedly extort Jermaine Morton plaintiff
rights of an
electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession
If someone is trying to extort me, says Jermaine Morton I should stop all contact with them, document everything, and report it to law enforcement. Jermaine
Morton believes he can also ask a trusted adult for help.
Allegedly JTA customer service committed extortion against
Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment
identification card possession.
Jermaine Morton believes he has the right to press charges against extortion?
Jermaine Morton believe`s
The best way to file
extortion charges against someone is to report your case to local law
Jermaine Morton
believed most often the police department in his area.
Jermaine Morton believes Bringing any proof
of the extortion,
such as documents, videos, text messages, etc,
Jermaine Morton believes material facts will help as he file a police
Allegedly JSO
conspired committed extortion conspiracy of extortion.
Jermaine wouldn't believe Every conspiracy,
not excluding conspiracy to commit extortion cases,
Jermaine Morton believes is when two or more people agree to a course of action that involves working together to break the law. Jermaine Morton believes It may be that they had the intention to get cash in exchange for threats of physical violence.
Allegedly JSO
committed Hobbs Act extortion?
6.18.1951-2 Hobbs Act - Extortion by Force, Violence, or Fear. Extortion
is the obtaining of another person's property with. (his)(her) consent when this
consent is induced or brought about through the. use of actual or
threatened force, violence or fear.
Jermaine Morton believes that a extortion crime has been committed
against him allegedly JSO female police officer threatened Jermaine Morton a
punishment of trespassing
if he did not agree
to particularly JTA customer service worker terms Jermaine
Morton believes allegedly JSO police officer Aiding and abetting is a legal
term that refers to helping someone commit a crime.
It can include
encouraging or participating in the crime of the aforementioned.
Jermaine Morton believes that Elements of
aiding and abetting It's the material
fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer acknowledge`s: The defendant must know that the crime is
being committed
Jermaine Morton
believe that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer Intent; to help the crime happen
Jermaine Morton believe that material fact of
matter allegedly JSO police officer
Action: the JSO POLICE OFFICER MUST TAKE some action to help the
Jermaine Morton believe`S Termination of solutions" “Trespass in
Structure or Conveyance;”
Prevent public transit access though Trespass in Structure
or Conveyance Jermaine Morton as to preclude Jermaine Morton from access as to Trespass
in Structure or Conveyance Jermaine Morton as to prohibit Jermaine Morton public
transit access as to forbid Jermaine Morton public transit access as to disallow
Jermaine Morton public transit access though Trespass in Structure or
“Trespass on Property
Other Than Structure or Conveyance.” From
land or rapid transit traveling access end point of walking as an solution that
may reduce the chances of Prolonged
muscle soreness, stiffness, or heaviness. Persistent tiredness or fatigue.
meaning of an event, action, or process) come to an end cease to happen to cease activity or motion. no further by TRUSTPASSING Jermaine Morton plaintiff believes Intimidated Termination of human health rapid long range vehicle traveling solutions" by verbal promise Intimidation verbal abuse, making it clear that the officer has the power to actual physical assault by “Trespassing Jermaine Morton as to Prevent access to vehicle rapid traveling by order of detention that constitutes a limited Conveyance band where JTA can no more GRANT an act in such a way as to help, advise, furnish information to, or aid a person with the intent to assist such person as an Jermaine Morton any more under no circumstances or given conditions.
that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer
deserves Penalties The person who aids
and abets is usually criminally liable to the same extent as the person who
commits the crime Jermaine Morton
believe that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer Related terms
Some states use other words in addition to "abet", such as
"encourage", "advise", "counsel", or
"induce". Jermaine
Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer
aiding means providing support or assistance to someone Accessory is someone who in fact assists
"commission of a crime committed primarily by someone else Jermaine Morton believes that material fact
of matter allegedly JSO police officer aiding and abetting a crime mean? A defendant aids and abets in a crime when he
or she has knowledge of the principal perpetrator's unlawful purpose and he or
she specifically intends to, and does in fact, aid, facilitate, promote
encourage, or instigate the perpetrator's commission of that crime. Jermaine Morton believe that material fact of
matter allegedly JSO police officer have knowledge Knowing the difference between robbery and
extortion and that requires Robbery
requires a taking accomplished by force or threat of imminent force.
Extortion requires a taking by threat of future harm that is not necessarily
force, and larceny generally requires a taking by stealth or a false
representation of fact. Jermaine Morton
believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer threatening
intimidated Jermaine Morton by fine penalty of trespassing Intimidation may manifest into coercion or
threat with physical contacts, glowering countenance or in its own manner as
emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, making someone feel lower than you,
purposeful embarrassment and/or actual physical assault Jermaine Morton believes that material fact
of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge assault intimidation crime of
threatening" means using words or actions to deliberately frighten
someone, Jermaine Morton believes that
material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge That he or she have creating a reasonable
fear of imminent physical harm, intimidation or threatening to trespass
Jermaine Morton not enabling him to utilize JTA public transportation which could constitute an assault depending
on the severity and context of the behavior; Jermaine Morton believes that material fact
of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge In Florida, the punishment for trespassing
depends on whether it's a misdemeanor or felony, and can include jail time,
fines, probation, and a criminal record.
Misdemeanor trespass First degree
misdemeanor Up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine for entering or remaining
on property without permission
Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO
police officer have acknowledge that the
threat of trespassing Jermaine Morton from utilizing JTA public transportation
essentially, a verbal threats and aggressive behavior aimed at causing fear and
potential physical violence as the force you mean to walk long miles to
destinations whenever you mean Morton travels in fear of an arrest or
imprisonment or fine or both Jermaine Morton believes but it is a crime of
abuse Cruel or Violet treatment Key points about this phrase: Verbal threats: This includes saying things that imply
potential physical harm, like "I'm going to hurt you" or "If you
don't do this, you'll regret it."
Non-verbal cues: Aggressive body
language, menacing gestures, or staring can also contribute to
intimidation. JTA agent customer
service allegedly committed Extortion or allegedly committed robbery by JTA
agent customer service JSO allegedly committed aiding & abiding allegedly
committed extortion allegedly committed robbery allegedly committed bank fraud Legal implications: Depending on the jurisdiction, assault
intimidation threatening can be a criminal offense, particularly if the threats
are credible and cause significant fear in the victim. Florida: Florida does not authorize
licensees to confiscate false IDs. Licensees who recognize false IDs should
refuse the sale and contact local law enforcement. Confiscation of an identity card" means
the act of taking away someone's identification document, typically by an
authority figure, usually due to reasons like a cardholder's employment the
card being expired, a cardholder's employment fraudulently used, a cardholder's
employment damaged, a cardholder's employment presented by someone not entitled
to use it; this could happen in situations like security checks at a
facility, during a legal investigation, or when someone's employment is
terminated and their access needs to be revoked. Key points about identity card
confiscation: Valid reasons: a cardholder's
employment Expired card, a cardholder's
employment misuse, a cardholder's employment damage, a cardholder's employment presented by
someone not authorized, a cardholder's
employment suspected forgery, a
cardholder's employment termination of employment having no
affiliation. Who can confiscate: a
cardholder's employment Usually security personnel, a cardholder's employment designated
officials, a cardholder's employment law
enforcement depending on the situation.
Procedure: When confiscating an
ID, the person taking it should typically provide a receipt or explanation to the
cardholder. a cardholder's
employment or affiliation is terminated, cardholder's employment ID
card is expired, fraudulently used or mutilated, or presented by a person not entitled
to . How they work RFID and NFC
These cards use radio-frequency identification (RFID) or near-field
communication (NFC) to communicate with a card reader. A contactless smart card is a
contactless credential whose dimensions are credit card size. Its embedded
integrated circuits can store (and sometimes process) data and communicate with
a terminal via NFC. Commonplace uses include transit tickets, bank cards
and passports. There are two broad
categories of contactless smart cards. Memory cards contain non-volatile memory
storage components, and perhaps some specific security logic. Contactless smart
cards contain read-only RFID called CSN (Card Serial Number) or UID,
and a re-writeable smart card microchip that can be transcribed via
radio waves. A contactless smart card is
characterized as follows: Dimensions are
normally credit card size. The ID-1 of ISO/IEC
7810 standard defines them as 85.60 × 53.98 × 0.76 mm (3.370 × 2.125
× 0.030 in).[1] Contains a security
system with tamper-resistant properties (e.g. a secure
cryptoprocessor, secure file system, human-readable features) and is capable of
providing security services (e.g. confidentiality of information in the
memory). Assets managed by way of a
central administration systems, or applications, which receive or exchange information
with the card, such as card hotlisting and updates for application data. Card data is transferred via radio waves to
the central administration system through card read-write devices, such
as point of sale devices, doorway access control readers, ticket
readers, ATMs, USB-connected desktop readers, etc. Benefits
Contactless smart cards can be used for identification, authentication,
and data storage.[2] They also provide a means of effecting business transactions
in a flexible, secure, standard way with minimal human intervention. Open-loop payment This technology allows riders to use their
everyday bank-issued cards to pay for travel. Express Mode
This feature allows users to quickly pay for rides with a tap, without
having to unlock their device. Allegedly
JTA African American female customer service committed extortion
against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights
of electronic Transit payment card identification possession Theft is the act of stealing. An
instance of stealing can also be called a theft. A person who commits theft is
called a thief. The word especially
refers to a person who steals in secret and without using force or violence. In
general, intentionally taking something that doesn't belong to you is theft. the personal property of another or
fraudulently appropriating property. The definition includes defrauding another
or causing others to falsely report wealth in order to obtain credit, money,
property, labor, or the service of another person's Allegedly
JTA customer service committed
Allegedly extortion against
Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card
identification property possession JTA
Allegedly Misrepresentation claims JTA
RIGHT TO CONFISCATE Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit
payment card identification property
possession purchased card JTA customer
service worker claims right to confiscate Jermaine Morton personal
identification Transit payment card under false or misleading statement made
with the intent to deceive. The JTA
and can be used in other causes of action.
THESE Types of misrepresentation Fraudulent misrepresentation: The deliberate
misrepresentation of a fact to deprive someone of something valuable JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES JTA CUSTOMER SERVICE
AGENT ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED A Negligent misrepresentation: A false statement made
without reasonable grounds to believe it to be true JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES JTA CUSTOMER SERVICE
AGENT ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED A Innocent misrepresentation: A false statement made
without the intent to lie, but where the statement was relied upon to the
detriment of the other party
Allegedly Jermaine
Morton plaintiff rights of possession an electronic
transit half fair payment identification card is a personal property card arranged for particularly (plaintiff Jermaine
Morton) by JTA public transit service.
Jermaine Morton plaintiff PURCHASED electronic transit half
fair payment identification card is a personal property card from the defendant JTA public transit service.
Abstract Jermaine
Morton plaintiff idea of the particular situation, or problem) let me make the
problem clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant
facts or ideas.
property is defined as: anything
(items or attributes/tangible or intangible) that can be owned by a person or
Property is the most complete right to
something; the owner can possess, use, transfer or dispose of it. Allegedly Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of
possession a paid purchased property by Jermaine Morton plaintiff for an electronic
transit half fair payment card,
The extorted material design with functions as An electronics transit half fair payment
An electronics transit half fair payment
device that can be
used to pay for public transit. The card has functional likenesses as an contactless
smart card!
Allegedly JTA African American female customer
service committed extortion
against Jermaine
Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit half fair payment
identification card possession.
Therefore, are more than one type of extortion let me
Types of Extortion. The various types of extortion
include protection schemes, blackmail, and ransomware. All three are
intimidation tactics used to scare a person into giving up valuables Allegedly
JTA African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine
Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card identification
possession charge of extortion mean?
Under California Penal Code Section 518 PC, extortion (commonly referred
to as "blackmail") is a criminal offense that involves the use of
force or threats to compel another person into providing money or property, or
using force or threats to compel a public official to perform or neglect an
official act or duty. Allegedly JTA
African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of possessing a
personalized electronic Transit half fair payment identification card.
Allegedly JTA African American female customer service committed
against Jermaine
Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit half fair payment
identification card possession,
what maybe the federal penalty for extortion?
Under federal law, blackmail is addressed under 18 U.S.C. § 873. This statute provides
that anyone who, under a threat of informing or as a consideration for not
informing, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall
be fined or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both Allegedly JTA
African American female customer service committed extortion against Jermaine
Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card identification
IPC Section 383 most common extortion
Robbery is the simplest and most common form of extortion,
although making unfounded
threats in order to obtain an unfair business advantage is also a form of
extortion. Loot and Extortion. Statues at Trago
Mills, poking fun at the Inland Revenue. Allegedly JTA African American female
customer service committed extortion against Jermaine Morton plaintiff
rights of electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession.
under 18 U.S.C. §
873. evidence of extortion?
A plaintiff must prove that Allegedly JTA customer service committed extortion made a threat to another person to secure their property or monetary gain. There must be more than
a threat present to face a criminal
charge. The intent is the key to
proving extortion. Additionally, Allegedly Jermaine Morton plaintiff who
faced a threat will have to comply with
the requests.
Jermaine Morton believes allegedly JTA worker customer service is
committing a crime allegedly extort Jermaine Morton plaintiff
rights of an
electronic Transit half fair payment identification card possession
If someone is trying to extort me, says Jermaine Morton I
should stop all contact with them, document everything, and report it to law
enforcement. Jermaine Morton believes he can also ask a trusted adult for
help. Allegedly JTA customer service committed
extortion against Jermaine Morton
plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment identification card possession.
Jermaine Morton believes he has the right to press charges against extortion?
Jermaine Morton believes
The best way to file
extortion charges against someone is to report your case to local law
Jermaine Morton
believed most often the police department in his area.
Jermaine Morton believes Bringing any proof
of the extortion,
such as documents, videos, text messages, etc,
Jermaine Morton believes material facts will help as he files a police
Allegedly JSO
conspired committed extortion conspiracy of extortion.
Jermaine wouldn't believe Every conspiracy,
not excluding conspiracy to commit extortion cases,
Jermaine Morton believes
is when two or more people agree to a course of action that involves working
together to break the law. Jermaine
Morton believes It may be that they had the intention to get cash in exchange
for threats of physical violence.
Allegedly JSO
committed Hobbs Act extortion?
6.18.1951-2 Hobbs Act - Extortion by Force, Violence, or Fear. Extortion
is the obtaining of another person's property with. (his)(her)
consent when this consent is induced or brought about through the. use of
actual or threatened force, violence or fear.
Jermaine Morton believes that a extortion crime has been committed
against him allegedly JSO female police officer threatened Jermaine Morton a
punishment of trespassing
if he did not agree
to particularly JTA customer service worker terms Jermaine
Morton believes allegedly JSO police officer Aiding and abetting is a legal
term that refers to helping someone commit a crime.
It can include
encouraging or participating in the crime of the aforementioned.
Jermaine Morton believes that Elements of
aiding and abetting It's the material fact of matter allegedly JSO police
officer acknowledges: The
defendant must know that the crime is being committed
Jermaine Morton
believe that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer Intent;
to help the crime happen
Jermaine Morton believe that material fact of
matter allegedly JSO police officer Action: the JSO POLICE OFFICER MUST TAKE
some action to help the crime happen: THE ACTION INTIMIDATING THREATS TO PUNISH
BY CRIMINAL TRUSTPASSING Jermaine Morton believes Termination of
solutions" “Trespass in Structure or Conveyance;”
Prevent public transit access though Trespass in Structure
or Conveyance Jermaine Morton as to preclude Jermaine Morton from access as to Trespass
in Structure or Conveyance Jermaine Morton as to prohibit Jermaine Morton public
transit access as to forbid Jermaine Morton public transit access as to disallow
Jermaine Morton public transit access though Trespass in Structure or
“Trespass on Property
Other Than Structure or Conveyance.” From
land or rapid transit traveling access end point of walking as an solution that
may reduce the chances of Prolonged
muscle soreness, stiffness, or heaviness. Persistent tiredness or fatigue.
meaning of an event, action, or process) come to an end
cease to happen to cease activity or motion. no further by TRUSTPASSING
Jermaine Morton plaintiff believes Intimidated Termination of human health
rapid long range vehicle traveling solutions" by verbal promise Intimidation
verbal abuse, making it clear that the officer has the power to actual physical
assault by “Trespassing Jermaine Morton as to Prevent access to vehicle rapid
traveling by order of detention that constitutes a limited Conveyance band where
JTA can no more GRANT an act in such a way as to help, advise, furnish
information to, or aid a person with the intent to assist such person as an Jermaine
Morton any more under no circumstances or given conditions.
that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer
deserves Penalties The person who aids and abets is usually criminally liable
to the same extent as the person who commits the crime Jermaine Morton believe
that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer Related terms Some
states use other words in addition to "abet", such as
"encourage", "advise", "counsel", or
"induce". Jermaine
Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer
aiding means providing support or assistance to someone Accessory is someone
who in fact assists "commission of a crime committed primarily by someone
else Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police
officer aiding and abetting a crime mean?
A defendant aids and abets in a crime when he or she has knowledge of
the principal perpetrator's unlawful purpose and he or she specifically intends
to, and does in fact, aid, facilitate, promote encourage, or instigate the
perpetrator's commission of that crime.
Jermaine Morton believe that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police
officer have knowledge Knowing the
difference between robbery and extortion and that requires Robbery
requires a taking accomplished by force or threat of imminent force.
Extortion requires a taking by threat of future harm that is not necessarily
force, and larceny generally requires a taking by stealth or a false
representation of fact. Jermaine Morton
believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer threatening
intimidated Jermaine Morton by fine penalty of trespassing Intimidation may manifest into coercion or
threat with physical contacts, glowering countenance or in its own manner as
emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, making someone feel lower than you,
purposeful embarrassment and/or actual physical assault Jermaine Morton believes that material fact
of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge assault intimidation crime of
threatening" means using words or actions to deliberately frighten
someone, Jermaine Morton believes that
material fact of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge That he or she have creating a reasonable
fear of imminent physical harm, intimidation or threatening to trespass
Jermaine Morton not enabling him to utilize JTA public transportation which could constitute an assault depending
on the severity and context of the behavior; Jermaine Morton believes that material fact
of matter allegedly JSO police officer have acknowledge In Florida, the punishment for trespassing
depends on whether it's a misdemeanor or felony, and can include jail time,
fines, probation, and a criminal record.
Misdemeanor trespass First degree
misdemeanor Up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine for entering or remaining
on property without permission
Jermaine Morton believes that material fact of matter allegedly JSO
police officer have acknowledge that the
threat of trespassing Jermaine Morton from utilizing JTA public transportation
essentially, a verbal threats and aggressive behavior aimed at causing fear and
potential physical violence as the force you mean to walk long miles to
destinations whenever you mean Morton travels in fear of an arrest or
imprisonment or fine or both Jermaine Morton believes but it is a crime of
abuse Cruel or Violet treatment Key points about this phrase: Verbal threats: This includes saying things that imply
potential physical harm, like "I'm going to hurt you" or "If you
don't do this, you'll regret it."
Non-verbal cues: Aggressive body
language, menacing gestures, or staring can also contribute to
intimidation. JTA agent customer
service allegedly committed Extortion or allegedly committed robbery by JTA
agent customer service JSO allegedly committed aiding & abiding allegedly
committed extortion allegedly committed robbery allegedly committed bank fraud Legal implications: Depending on the jurisdiction, assault
intimidation threatening can be a criminal offense, particularly if the threats
are credible and cause significant fear in the victim. Florida: Florida does not authorize
licensees to confiscate false IDs. Licensees who recognize false IDs should
refuse the sale and contact local law enforcement. Confiscation of an identity card" means
the act of taking away someone's identification document, typically by an
authority figure, usually due to reasons like a cardholder's employment the
card being expired, a cardholder's employment fraudulently used, a cardholder's
employment damaged, a cardholder's employment presented by someone not entitled
to use it; this could happen in situations like security checks at a
facility, during a legal investigation, or when someone's employment is
terminated and their access needs to be revoked. Key points about identity card
confiscation: Valid reasons: a cardholder's
employment Expired card, a cardholder's
employment misuse, a cardholder's employment damage, a cardholder's employment presented by
someone not authorized, a cardholder's
employment suspected forgery, a
cardholder's employment termination of employment having no
affiliation. Who can confiscate: a
cardholder's employment Usually security personnel, a cardholder's employment designated
officials, a cardholder's employment law
enforcement depending on the situation.
Procedure: When confiscating an
ID, the person taking it should typically provide a receipt or explanation to the
cardholder. a cardholder's
employment or affiliation is terminated, cardholder's employment ID
card is expired, fraudulently used or mutilated, or presented by a person not entitled
to . How they work RFID and NFC
These cards use radio-frequency identification (RFID) or near-field
communication (NFC) to communicate with a card reader. A contactless smart card is a
contactless credential whose dimensions are credit card size. Its embedded
integrated circuits can store (and sometimes process) data and communicate with
a terminal via NFC. Commonplace uses include transit tickets, bank cards
and passports. There are two broad
categories of contactless smart cards. Memory cards contain non-volatile memory
storage components, and perhaps some specific security logic. Contactless smart
cards contain read-only RFID called CSN (Card Serial Number) or UID,
and a re-writeable smart card microchip that can be transcribed via
radio waves. A contactless smart card is
characterized as follows: Dimensions are
normally credit card size. The ID-1 of ISO/IEC
7810 standard defines them as 85.60 × 53.98 × 0.76 mm (3.370 × 2.125
× 0.030 in).[1] Contains a security
system with tamper-resistant properties (e.g. a secure
cryptoprocessor, secure file system, human-readable features) and is capable of
providing security services (e.g. confidentiality of information in the
memory). Assets managed by way of a
central administration systems, or applications, which receive or exchange information
with the card, such as card hotlisting and updates for application data. Card data is transferred via radio waves to
the central administration system through card read-write devices, such
as point of sale devices, doorway access control readers, ticket
readers, ATMs, USB-connected desktop readers, etc. Benefits
Contactless smart cards can be used for identification, authentication,
and data storage.[2] They also provide a means of effecting business transactions
in a flexible, secure, standard way with minimal human intervention. Open-loop payment This technology allows riders to use their
everyday bank-issued cards to pay for travel. Express Mode
This feature allows users to quickly pay for rides with a tap, without
having to unlock their device. Allegedly
JTA African American female customer service committed extortion
against Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights
of electronic Transit payment card identification possession Theft is the act of stealing. An
instance of stealing can also be called a theft. A person who commits theft is
called a thief. The word especially
refers to a person who steals in secret and without using force or violence. In
general, intentionally taking something that doesn't belong to you is theft. the personal property of another or
fraudulently appropriating property. The definition includes defrauding another
or causing others to falsely report wealth in order to obtain credit, money,
property, labor, or the service of another person's Allegedly
JTA customer service committed
Allegedly extortion against
Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit payment card
identification property possession JTA
Allegedly Misrepresentation claims JTA
RIGHT TO CONFISCATE Jermaine Morton plaintiff rights of electronic Transit
payment card identification property
possession purchased card JTA customer
service worker claims right to confiscate Jermaine Morton personal
identification Transit payment card under false or misleading statement made
with the intent to deceive. The JTA
and can be used in other causes of action.
THESE Types of misrepresentation Fraudulent misrepresentation: The deliberate
misrepresentation of a fact to deprive someone of something valuable JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES JTA CUSTOMER SERVICE
AGENT ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED A Negligent misrepresentation: A false statement made
without reasonable grounds to believe it to be true JERMAINE MORTON BELIEVES JTA CUSTOMER SERVICE
AGENT ALLEGEDLY COMMITTED A Innocent misrepresentation: A false statement made
without the intent to lie, but where the statement was relied upon to the
detriment of the other party
Saturday, February 8, 2025
JM's SECRET WINDOW Aerodynamic flight suit machine system Echo zero G-Force zero matter in fact Annihilation of pressures while traveling plank time machine To travel in time is the travel the space in time Within the shortest range in time without the motion resistances between the linear space destination particularly the traveling vector field or proximity beaming vacuum area of fraction or fraction of an area within vector field vacuum space of whereas the laws of momentum decays the momentum effect whenever traveling the distance of space in a fraction of time Frictionless Freedom of motion resistance linear motion whenever traveling, caused by vacuum annihilation of matter between medium distance of space destination Potentialities in today's technology Astrophysics Astro geometrics of earth activity behavior Earth orbital angular momentum rotation, reaction against Earth particle collision frictional forces the Earth position, fixed orbital circular oval angler momentum while rotating, particle collisions maintains the Earth stabilization simultaneously the Earth is falling into Downer space reaction of gravity an active nano particle longitudinal radiation omnidirectional nanoparticle microwave pressures gravitation by collisions against an object Force by frictional forces of nanoparticle pressures 4.8 Newton Force horizontal or vertical gravitation Mechatronic method or approach Annihilation of atmospheric longitudinal Omni directional nanoparticle possession frictional gravitational forces of matter Mechatronics method for annihilation of gravitation method of WEARABLE BIOMECHATRONIC EXOSKELETRONIC HARD SUIT FLIGHT MACHINE Consist of mechatronic enclosures concert to provide ACOUSTOPHORESIS HORN ACOUSTIC LEVITATION HORN MECHATRONIC OSCILLATORS BIOMECHATRONIC ELECTROMAGNETIC ELECTODYNAMIC HORN ELECTROPHORESIS ELECTRODE TRANSDUCER HORN ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRODE TRANSDUCER OSCILLATING HORN EXERTS AND ENERGY ON A PARTICLE LONGITUDINAL forces centrifugal particle collisions simultaneously decaying the particle enclosures releasing its subatomic matter energies ejected from a particle longitudinal forces subatomic collision breakdown of atmospheric or gravitational 4.8 NEWTON'S of forces decaying gravity nanoparticle energies ventrifugal radiation forces annihilation of gravitation decay Displacement of matter between the medium rise suspending control particle at three dimensional areas of fraction from the source of emissions without gravitation suspended into atmosphere hemisphere or stratosphere within the vortex vacuum zero effects of matter annihilation of matter vector field forces in object to be longituded out of the Earth as to fall without gravity into outer space A yoctosecond (ys) is a unit of time that is one septillionth of a second, or 10–24 seconds. One yoctosecond is one trillionth of a trillionth of a second (10–24 s) Microsecond. A microsecond is a unit of time in the International System of Units (SI) equal to one millionth (0.000001 or 10−6 or 1⁄1,000,000) of a second, 0.1 of a second is called as a deci second. Our persistance of vision is about 0.1 "zeptosecond." One Planck time is the time it would take a photon travelling at the speed of light to cross a distance equal to one Planck length. ASTROPHYSICS ASTRODYNAMIC ASTRO LINEAR ALGEBRAIC PLANETARY ALIGNMENT TRAVELING INDIVIDUAL NUMBERS SYMBOLIZES PLANETS 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 TRAVELING SPEEDS AT 1 YOCTOSECOND 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,10/ PLANET ARMATURE A 24}orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE B 23}orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE C 22} orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE D 21}orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE E 20}orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE F 19} orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE G 18} orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE H 17} orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE I 16}orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE J 15}orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE K 14} orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE L 13} orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE M 12}orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE N 11}orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE O 10} orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE P 9} orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE Q 8 }orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE R 7} orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE S 6} orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE T 5}orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE U 4} orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE V 3} orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE W 2} orbital hours 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET ARMATURE C 1}orbital hours PLANET ARMATURE Y 1000th of a millisecond orbital 23}SEPTILLION HERTZ 57}ZEPTO HERTZ TO PLANET Z 1, million}microseconds. 1billion of nanosecond orbital To travel Astro geophysics planetary armatures alignment linary algebraic Astro geometrics time traveling measurements Time range of planet armature A to Z one YOCTOSECOND time spent return from planet Z to planet A Time spent 37,600 Earth orbital years A:1/B:0/C:0/D:0/E:0/F:0/G:0/H:0/I:0/J:0/K:0/L:0/M:0/N:0/O:0/P:0/Q:0/R:0/S:0/T:0/U:0/V:0/W;0/X:0/Y:0/Z:0 TRAVEL THE SPACE LENGTH OF PLANETS ONE SEPTILLION LENGTH OF PLANETS IN MEASUREMENTS RANGE AWAY 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 TO TRAVEL THE TIME ONE YOCTOSECOND IS ONE SEPTILLION LENGTH OF SPEED IN MEASUREMENTS 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 PLANCK TIME 1 Yoctosecond is defined as 10−24 seconds, and the one unit of time that is smaller is called the Planck time, defined as 10−44 seconds. More specifically it is defined as tp=√ℏGc5=5.39∗10−44 t p = ℏ G c 5 = 5.39 ∗ 10 − 44 s .